
2024-08-09 11:57



作者欧内斯特·文森特·赖特在1939年写了一部小说《Gadsby 》,中文译名为《盖兹比》。

这部小说的內容总共50,000 字,除了引言和结尾的注释外,没有使用字母“e” 。


If Youth, throughout all history, had had a champion to stand up for it; to show a doubting world that a child can think; and, possibly, do it practically, you wouldn't constantly run across folks today who claim that "a child don't know anything." A child's brain starts functioning at birth; and has, amongst its many infant convolutions, thousands of dormant atoms, into which God has put a mystic possibility for noticing an adult's act, and figuring out its purport.
Up to about its primary school days a child thinks, naturally, only of play. But many a form of play contains disciplinary factor. "You can't do this," or "that puts out out," shows a child that it must think, practically, or fail. Now, if, throughout childhood, a brain has no opposition, it is plain that it will attain a position of "status quo," as with our ordinary animals. Man knows not why a cow, dog, or lion was not born with a brain on a par with ours; why such animals cannot add, subtract, or obtain from books and schooling, that paramount position which Man Holds today.
But a human brain is not in that class. Constantly throbbing and pulsating, it rapidly forms opinions; attaining an ability of its own; a fact which is startlingly shown by an occasional child "prodigy" in music or school work. And as, with our dumb animals, a child's inability convincingly to impart its thoughts to us, should not class it as ignorant.


还有另外一部小说《La Disparition》是一部 1969 年的法国小说,部分灵感来自《Gadsby》,这部小说的特色,同样是同样省略了字母“e”,长度为 50,000 字。该书的作者乔治·佩雷克 (Georges Perec ) 。

《尤诺亚》(Eunoia)是加拿大作家克里斯蒂安·博克(Christian Bök,2001 年)写的一本书。




这种创作方式,约束写作(Constrained writing)是一种文学技巧,其中作者受到某种条件的约束,禁止某些字词或强加一种模式。




A lipogram is a kind of writing with constraints consisting of writing full paragraphs or books in which a particular symbol, such as that fifth symbol (which is most common in talks), is missing. An author must submit to an awful handicap, allowing only consonants and A, I, O, and U. This is ordinarily a quorum of half of fifty.



This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!




拉苏斯(英语:Lasus of Hermione),约活动于公元前6世纪前后。[1]古希腊赫尔莫伊内的早期抒情诗人与音乐家。他在希帕尔库斯(僭主希比阿斯的兄弟)的帮助下从事创作。著有赞美诗并成为雅典酒歌的创始人。他曾检举奥诺马克里图斯伪造了穆萨埃乌斯的神谕。其诗歌作品大部分已经失传。

拉苏斯不喜欢西格玛sigma),并将其从他的一首诗中排除,题为《半人马颂歌》(Ode to the Centaurs),这首诗什么也没有留下;以及一首献给得墨忒耳的赞美诗,其中第一节仍然存在:


Δάματρα μέλπω Κόραν τε Κλυμένοι᾽ ἄλοχον

μελιβόαν ὕμνον ἀναγνέων

Αἰολίδ᾽ ἂμ βαρύβρομον ἁρμονίαν


Dámatra mélpô Kóran te Klyménoi᾽ álochon

melibóan hýmnon anagnéôn

Aiolíd᾽ ám barýbromon harmonían


I chant of Demeter and Kore, Wife of the famed [Hades]

Lifting forth a gentle-voiced hymn

In the deep-toned Aeolian mode.


A jovial swain should not complain

Of any buxom fair

Who mocks his pain and thinks it gain

To quiz his awkward air.


Bold Nassan quits his caravan,
A hazy mountain grot to scan;
Climbs jaggy rocks to find his way,
Doth tax his sight, but far doth stray.
-------Susan Elkin,Lipograms: The Presence of Absence, p. 15.

这是一首 1870 年之前的匿名诗:

《Fate of Nassan》
Bold Nassan quits his caravan,
A hazy mountain grot to scan;
Climbs jaggy rocks to find his way,
Doth tax his sight, but far doth stray.
Not work of man, nor sport of child
Finds Nassan on this mazy wild;
Lax grow his joints, limbs toil in vain—
Poor wight! why didst thou quit that plain?
Vainly for succour Nassan calls;
Know, Zillah, that thy Nassan falls;
But prowling wolf and fox may joy
To quarry on thy Arab boy.




