
2024-08-21 01:12


!!!背景:白人异国 冬季

!!!本篇带有英语 想要练英语翻译的可以看看!


异国他乡 窗外白茫茫一片

准备圣诞了 这雪 下的更大了……


这是 木门被敲响了 是谁呢


眼前是高大健壮 金发碧眼的白人

“Hello, the mountain is snowed in. I can't go back to my home. Can you take me in for one night?

大意是 大雪封山了 他回不去他家啃起你是否能收留他一晚

你满带善意的答应他 这间小屋不缺房间

“Yes, of course. Please come in.

男人头发又长又软 金色的头发垂在眉眼处 很让人心疼怜爱

真是个可怜虫 他今晚回不去他家了

“Miss, are you from China?”

"Yes, I am a Chinese student."

"You are so cute. What's your name?"

"My English name is Ashley and my Chinese name is Anli"


男孩似乎很欣赏这个名字 有模有样的学了起来

“My name is ZSOMBOR-MURRAY,You can call me MURRAY”

容博尔 好名字……

你们侃侃而谈 谈了很多

容博尔笑起来眉眼弯弯的 碧绿色的瞳孔 好似清泉 干净纯净 又好似湖泊 深不见底


“Are you single? You look like a lot of girls like you.”你问他

"Of course not, but I have someone I like today."男孩坚定的说

"Then she must be very good, and she will like you."

"Of course I will make her like me."男孩看着你的眼睛 信心满满

你被他逗笑了 鼓励着他

晚上天很冷 大雪封山 雪飘满这个山顶 容博尔脸红扑扑的

"It's getting late. Go to bed early. Do you want me to pour you a cup of hot chocolate?"你看着挂钟 手里拿着一杯热巧克力问正在看书的他

然后他放下书 朝你走来

"If you made it, I'd definitely try it."男孩很感兴趣 他还说 他最喜欢的就是热巧克力

"I'll show you your room with you and the clothes that fit"

"Anli, I thought I was sleeping with you."男孩惊讶的看着你


"Of course not. That's a funny joke. Let me take you upstairs."

男孩似乎很伤心 但这也只是他眼底闪过的一丝情绪而已

"This is your room. If it's cold, tell me I'll bring you a quilt."你介绍的这间房子

这间房子是复古风 里面没什么陈设 简简单单便构成了一间小房间

"Anli, can you not go?"他开口挽留你

"What's the matter?"你感到困惑和好奇

男孩便开始解释缘由 "I'm a little afraid of the dark. Can you accompany me?"

"Sure, if you want, but I'd rather sleep in my bed."你自己没有感到不妥 便留下来

"Thank you, dear.I will pay for my stay here tonight."容博尔暗自窃喜 如果这里是旅馆 他可以在这住很久 他并不缺钱……

"Never mind, have a good dream."你安抚他 让他不要那么害怕黑暗

"Thank you for wishing I had you in my dreams today."

你并没有在意 他在说什么


“我嘞个小祖宗啊 看在你这么帅的份上 原谅你了……”


男孩在你旁边 你坐在椅子上 给床上的他讲故事

"Do you want to hear a traditional Chinese story?"

"It would be great if you told me."

"Do you know Chang'e flying to the moon?In the moon, in the moon palace, there lived a beautiful woman……"

你向他讲了嫦娥的故事 他就躺在那儿静静的听着

"It sounds like a great story, but please, it's cold and dark today. Don't go, okay?"

"But I'm sleepy. I'll wake you up in the morning."

"All right then."男孩依依不舍得用那碧绿色的眼眸望向你

你不忍心看着这么一个男孩独白一人 也只好跟他这么说

"But if you're really scared, you can come to my room and I can tell you a lot of stories."


"Really? I don't want to leave you.”

"Of course. Have a good dream."


他很冷 他想找你 因为这是你自己说的

大半夜你感到热 怎么会呢

现在外面是冬天 冬天本应是冰冷的

你又感到很拘谨 像是什么束缚住了你

你翻身 和容博尔面对面……

"My God, what are you doing here?"你感到很惊讶 他怎么会在你床上

"Anli, didn't you say you could come to you?"男孩睡眼惺忪,仿佛睡了很久

你感到很没有边界感 仿佛他可以理所应当的来找你

"What do you want to do to me?"

"Anli, I love you so much. Don't go with me, okay?"

你自然是不信他的这番告白 老外感情太随意 不像是认真的 也不能当真

"I'm not familiar with you and don't call me by my Chinese name. I have an English name, Ashley."

你警告他 也表明你们的关系

"But I love you so much. Don't leave me alone, okay?"

他又向你深情告白 向你示弱


"Get out of here. If you go back to your room, I can forget about today."

你给他的台阶下 现在他也不可能会真的出去

你们还得共住屋檐下 也只好等雪停了再认真谈谈

"See you tomorrow, my favorite Miss Anli."男孩送上祝福 但在你眼里根本不是祝福……

你这男孩走后立马将门反锁 插上钥匙扣 这种陌生男人太恐怖了……

男孩看样子年龄不大 没你大 但他体型却很健壮 属于脱衣有肉穿衣显瘦的类型

你只敢在这里说他几句 因为你不可能跟这种“硬汉”硬碰硬 害怕被他一拳抡死……

你彻夜难眠 害怕男人会再次过来

还好 容博尔 没再来过了……

可是大早上 雪还是没有停……


你的门被敲响 你警觉


"Anli got up and I made you breakfast."

"Don't call me by my Chinese name. "

"All right, Ashley.I'll make you breakfast. Come out and eat."

"Get out of my house. I don't want to see you. Get out of my house right now."你大声的吼他 希望能威慑他离开你的房子

"I can pay for everything here. I'm not short of money, but if you don't come out and see me, I'll break down the door."看来他真的不缺钱 但你缺命……

你真的是崩溃了 用中文臭骂他

“你这个死洋人 我想回家了……”


“摊上个这么个洋人 真是我八辈子倒的霉”

"I know you're cursing me in Chinese now, but I think it sounds better when you're having sex with me."

他说的话露骨至极 你不敢相信这番话居然是从昨天那个可怜虫嘴里说出来

"Well, don't touch me when I go out!"

你不得不答应他 你的手机也不知道去哪了 应该是被他昨晚顺走了?

"All right, baby, but it's only a matter of time."


男人搂着你的腰 和你一同走到饭桌



"Baby, you know, the first time I saw you, I wanted to kill you, but you are Chinese and I don't want to be warned by the Chinese Embassy."这个恶心的人居然会因为你的国籍而“放过”你?

"What do you want to do?"你恶狠狠的质问他

"Why ask if you know what I want to do?"

容博尔在你耳边低语 恶魔的低语……

"You'd better not touch a hair of mine. Behind me is my motherland!"你警告他 没有任何人会跟一个庞大的国家作对

"Baby, you are so funny because you are Chinese, so I will respect you, but it doesn't mean I can't touch you."

男人像是听了什么笑话一般 满带笑意的回答你

"Dead Foreigner, you'd better die and go to hell!"你臭骂他 诅咒他

他却不以为然 仿佛什么都不能阻碍他的计划

不想写了 用翻译器双语写太难了 有

人看再写吧 没人看 留个印象