
2024-08-31 21:52












I come from Slovakia so I can tell you what Slovak people think about China. Most Slovak people do imagine China must be some messy place just like India and they do not think it's a good place for European girl to live. Before I came to China most people's reaction to me saying I'm going to live in China, was very bad. Even strangers I've never seen in my life before told me not to go. For example one time I was getting some papers in my hometown government office and I told the clerk I'm there because I'm leaving Slovakia. So he asked me with a smile on his face "Where are you going?" I said "China." His smile suddenly froze. He was in shock. He said "China?!! Why would you go to China? It's Chinese people that come here. We don't go live in China.."

Even I was just a stranger to him but he still needed to tell me it's a bad idea to leave Europe and go to China. People truly have no idea what life in China is like and are imagining the worst things.

I think people just imagine that the quality of life in China is not very high. In fact in Slovakia we have many "Chinese stores" where everything they sell is very cheap, cheap clothes, cheap shoes, cheap earphones, all cheap. And the stores mostly don't look very good, they are messy and also the smell inside is bad and the Asian owners probably can't speak Slovak so they will never talk to you, many times they will not even look at you. When I was a kid I always thought Chinese people really hate us because of the way these store owners behave. Most of the time this is the only real life interaction Slovak people have with "China". Even though the owners of these stores many times are not actually Chinese, they are Vietnamese but the store is always called "Chinese store" because the stuff they sell was made in China so everyone just assume the owners are Chinese. In Slovakia we also don't really have have a chance to watch Chinese movies on tv, also the Slovak media just like western media keeps smearing a lot of dirt on China. Even my dad who really likes China recently asked me if it's the truth that the environment and the air in China is so bad you can't even go outside most days... I just told him that Hangzhou is even more beautiful than Slovak cities, the environment here is really amazing with many trees and parks, the air is also very good and I go outside every day without problem. He just said "I knew the newspaper must be lying, at least I have you so I can learn the truth from you."

But most Slovak people don't have a daughter living in China so they have no way finding out the truth. They believe China must be the same they know from media and from "Chinese stores" in Slovakia: full of rude people that hate foreigners, everything there must be cheap and low quality, the environment must be awful, and everywhere you go it must smell bad.

Actually now after living in China for 3 years I feel awkward that many people from my country still believe so many bad things about China, when in reality the life in many Chinese cities is even better than life in Slovakia. So it's my goal for the future to show European people the real life of Chinese people and the real China.