功能需求 和非功能需求 有没有很明显的界限?

2024-12-22 19:45

Architecture 101: Top 10 Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) you Should be Aware of
架构 101:您应该了解的十大非功能性需求 (NFR)

Non-functional requirements play an integral role in designing distributed, cloud-native architectures. Teams should know how the new features or modifications to an existing feature would impact the NFRs. This enables teams to deliver more robust products. Let’s delve into the topic by understanding what a Non-functional requirement (NFR) is.
非功能性需求在设计分布式云原生架构中发挥着不可或缺的作用。团队应该知道新功能或现有功能的修改将如何影响 NFR。这使团队能够交付更强大的产品。让我们通过了解什么是非功能性需求 (NFR) 来深入研究该主题。

What is a Non-functional Requirement?

A non-functional requirement (NFR) is a specification that describes the system’s operation capabilities, constraints, and how it should operate, rather than what the system should do. These requirements focus on the quality attributes of the system, such as performance, security, usability, reliability, and maintainability, rather than specific behaviors or functions.

To be precise, Nonfunctional Requirements (NFRs) are intended to specify ‘system qualities,’ whereas functional requirements are intended to specify system capabilities, features, and how it responds to specified inputs.

Examples of NFRs NFR 示例

  • The customer search should respond within 500 milliseconds.
    客户搜索应在 500 毫秒内响应。
  • The system must be able to handle 10,000 transactions per minute.
    系统必须能够每分钟处理 10,000 笔交易。
  • The system must achieve 99.95% uptime.
    系统必须实现 99.95% 的正常运行时间。
  • The system must be able to continue operation without data loss in the event of a single server failure.

Top 10 Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)
十大非功能性需求 (NFR)

  • Security 安全
  • Regulatory and Compliance
  • Scalability 可扩展性
  • High Availability 高可用性
  • Reliability 可靠性
  • Performance 表现
  • Observability 可观测性
  • User Activity Tracking 用户活动跟踪
  • Auditing 审计
  • Usability 可用性

Security 安全

Security is critical in defining the qualities and constraints that ensure a system’s robustness against threats and vulnerabilities. Security is a broader aspect and covers various parts of the entire ecosystem.

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Identify and Access Management — Implementing strong Authentication and Authorization.
    识别和访问管理- 实施强大的身份验证和授权。
  • Network Security — Network Segmentation, IP Allow/deny lists, and Secure communication across the ecosystem.
    网络安全 —网络分段、IP 允许/拒绝列表以及整个生态系统的安全通信。
  • Application Security — Secure Coding Practices, Vulnerability Management, and Secure SDLC practices including code reviews, static and dynamic analysis, and security testing.
    应用程序安全 -安全编码实践、漏洞管理和安全 SDLC 实践,包括代码审查、静态和动态分析以及安全测试。
  • Data Security — Data Classification and Handling, encryption, masking, hashing, and Data Loss Prevention methodologies.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Security Incident Metrics
    - Number of security incidents along with response time.
    - 安全事件的数量以及响应时间。
    - Incident detection times along with resolution rate.
    - 事件检测时间以及解决率。
  • Access and Authentication Metrics
    - Failed Login Attempts - 登录尝试失败
    - Unauthorized Access Attempts
    - 未经授权的访问尝试
    - Account Lockouts - 帐户锁定
    - MFA (Multi-factor-authentication) adoption rate
    - MFA(多重身份验证)采用率
  • Data Security Metrics 数据安全指标
    - Data Breaches - 数据泄露
    - Data Loss Incidents - 数据丢失事件
    - Data Access Violation Incidents
    - 数据访问违规事件
    - Data at rest and transit coverage
    - 静态数据和传输覆盖范围
    - Data encryption coverage
    - 数据加密覆盖范围
  • Network Security Metrics 网络安全指标
    - Firewall rule violations
    - 违反防火墙规则
    - Network Traffic Anomalies
    - 网络流量异常
    - Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS) Alerts
    - 入侵检测/预防系统 (IDS/IPS) 警报
  • Vulnerability Metrics 漏洞指标
    - Number of vulnerabilities along with severity levels and resolution rate.
    - 漏洞数量以及严重级别和解决率。
    - Time to patch and patch completion rate.
    - 修补时间和修补完成率。
  • Security Operations Metrics
    - Security Monitoring Coverage
    - 安全监控覆盖范围
    - False Positive/Negative Rates
    - 误报/漏报率
    - Security Tool Utilization
    - 安全工具的使用

Regulatory and Compliance

Regulatory and compliance requirements ensure that the system operates within the boundaries set by laws and regulations, thereby avoiding legal penalties and building trust with stakeholders. Regulatory and compliance aspects are critical for ensuring that a system adheres to the necessary legal, regulatory, and industry standards.

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements — Identify and integrate specific legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the industry (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS).
    法律和监管要求 —确定并整合适用于行业的特定法律和监管要求(例如 GDPR、HIPAA、PCI-DSS)。
  • Compliance Audits: Conduct internal and external audits to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.
  • Certification and Accreditation: Obtain necessary certifications (e.g., ISO/IEC, etc.) to demonstrate compliance.
  • Security Policies: Develop and enforce comprehensive security policies covering all aspects of data protection and compliance.
  • Data Retention Policies: Establish clear guidelines for data retention and disposal in line with regulatory requirements.
  • Audit Trails: Maintain comprehensive logs of system activities, including data access and modifications.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Implement systems for continuous monitoring of compliance, and security status along with reporting capabilities.
  • Legal Compliance: Stay informed about changes in laws and regulations and adjust compliance strategies accordingly.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Compliance Metrics 合规指标
    - Compliance Status with relevant regulations (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS etc).
    - 相关法规(GDPR、HIPAA、PCI-DSS 等)的合规状态。
    - Number and severity of internal/external Audit Findings
    - 内部/外部审计结果的数量和严重性
    - Number of Policy Violations instances
    - 违反政策的次数
    - Regulatory and Compliance Training and Effectiveness Metrics.
    - 监管和合规培训以及有效性指标。
  • Risk Management Metrics 风险管理指标
    - Risk Assessment Frequency.
    - 风险评估频率。
    - Identified Risks during assessments.
    - 评估期间已识别的风险。
    - Risk Mitigation metrics.
    - 风险缓解指标。
  • Data Protection Metrics 数据保护指标
    - Number of Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) received and processed.
    - 收到和处理的数据主体访问请求 (DSAR) 的数量。
    - Access Control Effectiveness
    - 访问控制有效性
  • Audit and Monitoring Metrics
    - Audit Trail Completeness
    - 审计追踪完整性
    - Percentage of IT assets under continuous security monitoring.
    - 接受持续安全监控的 IT 资产百分比。
    - Number of alerts generated by Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems.
    - 安全信息和事件管理 (SIEM) 系统生成的警报数量。
    - Rates of false positive and false negative security alerts.
    - 误报和误报安全警报的比率。
  • Legal and Ethical Compliance Metrics
    - Regulatory updates tracking and Implementation
    - 监管更新跟踪和实施
    - Number of legal and non-compliance incidents
    - 法律和违规事件的数量
    - Number of ethical violations incidents
    - 道德违规事件数量

Scalability 可扩展性

Scalability refers to a system’s ability to handle increasing workloads or to expand in capacity without compromising performance or efficiency. It involves the capability to grow and manage more demands, such as higher user loads or larger data volumes, through horizontal or vertical scaling. Scalability is crucial for ensuring that a system remains responsive and effective as it grows, supporting business expansion and changing demands.

Horizontal Scaling: Adding more machines or resources to distribute the load (e.g., adding more servers).

Vertical Scaling: increasing the capacity of existing resources (e.g., adding more CPU or memory to a server).

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Performance Optimization: Ensuring the system's efficiency as load increases by optimizing code, queries, and algorithms.
  • Load Balancing: Distributing traffic across multiple servers to prevent overload and ensure high availability.
  • Caching: Using caching mechanisms to reduce the load on downstream systems (databases, APIs) and improve response times.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Continuously monitor system performance and load to identify bottlenecks and optimize resources.
  • Network Scalability: Ensuring network capacity and architecture can support increased traffic and data flow.
  • Infrastructure as Code: Automating infrastructure provisioning to support dynamic scaling.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Response Time: Measures how quickly the system responds to requests.
  • Throughput: Number of transactions or requests processed per unit of time.
  • Resource Utilization: CPU, memory, and disk usage across servers.
    资源利用率:跨服务器的 CPU、内存和磁盘使用情况。
  • Latency: Time taken for data to travel across the network.
  • Error Rate: Frequency of errors or failed requests.
  • Database Performance: Query execution time and connection pooling statistics.
  • Traffic Load: Number of concurrent users or sessions.
  • Scaling Events: Frequency and success rate of scaling operations.
  • Cost Efficiency: Cost per transaction or request as the system scales.
  • System Availability: Uptime and reliability during peak loads.

Tracking these metrics helps ensure that a system scales effectively while maintaining performance and stability.

High Availability 高可用性

High Availability (HA) refers to a system’s ability to remain operational and accessible with minimal downtime, even during failures or maintenance. It ensures continuous service by using redundancy, failover mechanisms, and load balancing. HA is critical for mission-critical applications, where interruptions can have significant consequences.
高可用性 (HA) 是指系统即使在故障或维护期间也能以最短的停机时间保持运行和可访问的能力。它通过使用冗余、故障转移机制和负载平衡来确保连续服务。 HA 对于关键任务应用程序至关重要,因为中断可能会产生严重后果。

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Redundancy: Implementing backup components and systems to ensure continuity in case of failures.
  • Failover Mechanisms: Setting up automatic failover processes to switch to standby systems during outages.
  • Load Balancing: Distributing traffic evenly across servers to prevent overload and ensure consistent performance.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Continuously monitoring system health and setting up alerts for quick response to issues.
  • Disaster Recovery: Developing and testing disaster recovery plans to restore services after major incidents.
  • Data Replication: Keeping data copies synchronized across multiple locations to prevent data loss.
  • Network Reliability: Ensuring network infrastructure is robust and has multiple paths for data transmission.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Uptime Percentage: Measures the total time the system is operational.
  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): Average time between system failures.
    平均故障间隔时间 (MTBF) :系统故障之间的平均时间。
  • Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR): Average time taken to recover from failures.
    平均恢复时间 (MTTR) :从故障中恢复所需的平均时间。
  • Failover Time: Time taken for systems to switch over during failures.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance: Adherence to uptime and performance commitments.
    服务水平协议 (SLA) 合规性:遵守正常运行时间和性能承诺。
  • Error Rate: Frequency of errors or service disruptions.
  • System Load: Monitoring resource usage during peak and off-peak times.
  • Network Latency: Time delays in network communications.
  • Backup and Recovery Success Rate: Frequency of successful data backups and restorations.
  • Incident Frequency: Number of incidents affecting availability over a period.

Reliability 可靠性

Reliability refers to the ability of a system or component to consistently perform its intended function without failure over a specified period. It involves ensuring that the system operates correctly and dependably, providing accurate results, and maintaining functionality under expected conditions. High reliability minimizes downtime and errors, contributing to user trust and system integrity.

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • System Design: Building robust architectures that handle faults and errors gracefully.
  • Redundancy: Implementing backup systems and components to prevent single points of failure.
  • Testing and Validation: Conduct thorough testing, including stress and load tests, to ensure system resilience.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor system performance and conduct regular maintenance to prevent issues.
  • Error Handling: Designing effective error detection and recovery mechanisms.
  • Documentation: Keeping comprehensive documentation for troubleshooting and maintenance.
  • User Training: ensuring users are trained to handle common issues effectively.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): Average time between system failures.
    平均故障间隔时间 (MTBF) :系统故障之间的平均时间。
  • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR): Average time taken to repair and restore the system after a failure.
    平均修复时间 (MTTR) :发生故障后修复和恢复系统所需的平均时间。
  • Failure Rate: Frequency of system failures over a specific period.
  • Uptime Percentage: The proportion of time the system is operational and available.
  • Error Rate: Number of errors encountered during operation.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance: Adherence to agreed-upon reliability metrics.
    服务级别协议 (SLA) 合规性:遵守商定的可靠性指标。
  • System Downtime: Total time the system is unavailable.
  • Incident Frequency: Number of incidents affecting system reliability.

Performance 表现

Performance refers to how well a system, application, or component accomplishes its intended function within given constraints. It encompasses various aspects such as speed, efficiency, throughput, responsiveness, and resource utilization. In computing and technology contexts, performance is typically measured and optimized to ensure optimal user experience, operational efficiency, and scalability.

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Response Time: optimizing the time taken to respond to user requests or actions.
  • Throughput: maximizing the number of transactions or operations processed per unit of time.
  • Scalability: ensuring the system can handle increasing loads by scaling resources horizontally or vertically.
  • Resource Utilization: Efficiently using CPU, memory, disk, and network resources to avoid bottlenecks.
  • Caching: Utilizing caching mechanisms to store and retrieve frequently accessed data quickly.
  • Database Performance: Optimizing database queries, indexing, and schema design for faster data retrieval and updates.
  • Code Efficiency: Writing efficient algorithms and code to minimize computational overhead and improve execution speed.
  • Network Optimization: Reducing latency and optimizing data transmission across networks.
  • Load Balancing: Distributing incoming traffic evenly across servers to prevent overload and ensure consistent performance.
  • Monitoring and Tuning: Continuously monitoring system performance metrics and tuning configurations to optimize performance over time.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Response Time: Measures the time taken to respond to user requests or system events. It includes:
    - Average Response Time: Overall average response time across all requests.
    - Percentile Response Time: 90th or 95th percentile response time to understand performance under peak loads.
    -百分位响应时间:第 90 或 95 个百分位响应时间,用于了解峰值负载下的性能。
  • Throughput: Measures the rate at which the system processes transactions or requests. Key metrics include:
    - Requests per Second (RPS): Number of requests processed per second.
    -每秒请求数 (RPS) :每秒处理的请求数。
    - Transactions per Second (TPS): Number of transactions completed per second.
    -每秒事务数 (TPS) :每秒完成的事务数。
  • Error Rate: Tracks the frequency of errors or failed transactions. Metrics include:
    - Error Rate Percentage: Percentage of requests or transactions that result in errors.
  • Concurrency: Measures the number of simultaneous users or connections the system can handle without degradation. Metrics include:
    - Active Users: Number of users actively interacting with the system at a given time.
    - Active Connections: Number of concurrent connections to servers or databases.
  • Resource Utilization: Monitors the utilization of system resources (CPU, memory, disk, network). Metrics include:
    - CPU Utilization: Percentage of CPU used by the system or specific processes.
    - CPU 利用率:系统或特定进程使用的 CPU 百分比。
    - Memory Utilization: Amount of memory used by applications or services.
    - Disk I/O: Input/output operations per second (IOPS) on disk storage.
    -磁盘 I/O :磁盘存储上的每秒输入/输出操作数 (IOPS)。
    - Network Bandwidth: Amount of data transferred over the network per unit of time.
  • Latency: measures the delay between a request and its response. Metrics include:
    - Round-Trip Latency: Time is taken for a request to travel to the server and back to the client.
  • Cache Hit Rate: Measures the effectiveness of caching mechanisms in reducing data retrieval times. Metrics include:
    - Cache Hit Percentage: Percentage of requests served from cache rather than fetching from the database or storage.
  • Cache Miss Rate: Measures the cache miss rate while retrieving the data. Metrics include:
    - Cache Miss Percentage: Percentage of requests directly fetched from database or storage instead of serving from the cache.
  • Database Performance Metrics: Tracks database-specific metrics such as:
    - Query Execution Time: Time taken for database queries to execute.
    - Transaction Commit Time: Time taken to commit transactions to the database.
    - Database Locks: Number of locks held or contention for resources.
  • Load Balancer Metrics: Monitors load balancer performance and the distribution of traffic across servers. Metrics include:
    - Server Load Distribution: Distribution of requests across backend servers.
    - Health Check Status: Status of servers based on health checks performed by the load balancer.
  • Application Specific Metrics: You might have your application specific metrics that for your application machine critical functionality.

Observability 可观测性

Observability refers to the capability of understanding and monitoring the internal state of a system based on its external outputs or behaviors. It emphasizes the ability to gain insights into how a system operates, detects and troubleshoots problems effectively, especially in complex distributed architectures.

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Instrumentation 仪器仪表
    - Logging: Designing logging mechanisms to capture relevant events, errors, and activities within the application.
    - Metrics: Defining and collecting metrics that measure the performance, health, and usage of different components.
    - Tracing: Implementing distributed tracing to monitor and visualize the flow of requests across microservices or components.
  • Monitoring and Alerting 监控和警报
    - Monitoring Infrastructure: Setting up tools and platforms to collect, store, and analyze logs, metrics, and traces.
    - 监控基础设施:设置工具和平台来收集、存储和分析日志、指标和跟踪。
    - Alerting Rules: Establishing alerting rules based on thresholds or conditions to notify about performance degradation, errors, or anomalies.
  • Service-Level Objectives (SLOs)
    服务级别目标 (SLO)
    - Defining SLOs: Establishing clear service-level objectives that define acceptable performance and reliability criteria.
    - 定义 SLO:建立明确的服务级别目标,定义可接受的性能和可靠性标准。
    - Monitoring SLOs: Implementing monitoring to track SLO compliance and identify areas needing improvement.
    -监控 SLO :实施监控以跟踪 SLO 合规性并确定需要改进的领域。
  • Error Handling and Recovery
    - Error Reporting: Ensuring comprehensive error reporting with context to facilitate troubleshooting and debugging.
    - 错误报告:确保提供带有上下文的全面错误报告,以方便故障排除和调试。
    - Fault Tolerance: Implementing mechanisms such as retries, circuit breakers, and fallbacks to handle and recover from errors gracefully.
  • Performance Optimization 性能优化
    - Performance Metrics: Collecting and analyzing metrics related to response times, throughput, and resource utilization.
    - 性能指标:收集和分析与响应时间、吞吐量和资源利用率相关的指标。
    - Performance Testing: Conducting performance testing to identify bottlenecks and optimize system performance.
  • Deployment and Release Management
    - Deployment Visibility: Ensuring visibility into application behavior during deployment and release phases.
    - 部署可见性:确保部署和发布阶段应用程序行为的可见性。
    - Rollback Strategies: Implementing strategies to rollback changes quickly in case of performance or reliability issues.
  • Security Monitoring 安全监控
    - Auditing and Compliance: Monitoring application activities to ensure compliance with security policies and regulations.
    - 审计和合规性:监控应用程序活动以确保遵守安全策略和法规。
    - Security Incident Response: Establishing processes and tools for detecting and responding to security incidents.
  • User Experience Monitoring
    - Real User Monitoring (RUM): Collecting metrics on user interactions and experiences to understand application usability and performance from the user’s perspective.
    - 真实用户监控(RUM):收集有关用户交互和体验的指标,从用户的角度了解应用程序的可用性和性能。
    - Feedback Loops: Incorporating feedback mechanisms to capture user-reported issues and improve application reliability and usability.
  • Continuous Improvement 持续改进
    - Feedback and Iteration: Using observability data to iterate on application design, performance optimizations, and reliability enhancements.
    - 反馈和迭代:使用可观测性数据迭代应用程序设计、性能优化和可靠性增强。
    - Post-Mortem Analysis: Conducting post-incident reviews to learn from failures and improve system resilience.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Logging Metrics 记录指标
    - Log Volume: Amount of log data generated over time.
    - 日志量:随着时间的推移生成的日志数据量。
    - Log Levels: Distribution of logs by severity (e.g., debug, info, warning, error).
    - Log Retention: Duration for which logs are retained and accessible.
  • Metrics Metrics 指标 指标
    - Metric Types: Different types of metrics captured (e.g., counters, gauges, histograms).
    - 指标类型:捕获的不同类型的指标(例如计数器、仪表、直方图)。
    - Metric Collection Rate: Frequency of metric collection.
    - Metric Cardinality: Number of unique metric series being collected.
  • Tracing Metrics 追踪指标
    - Trace Span Duration: Duration of individual traces or spans.
    - 跟踪跨度持续时间:单个跟踪或跨度的持续时间。
    - Trace Error Rate: Percentage of traces containing errors.
    - Distributed Context Propagation: Metrics related to how distributed context (e.g., trace IDs, span IDs) is propagated across services.
  • Alerting Metrics 警报指标
    - Alerting Rules: Number of defined alerting rules.
    - 警报规则:定义的警报规则的数量。
    - Alert Trigger Rate: Frequency of alerts triggered.
    - Alert Resolution Time: Time taken to resolve alerts.
  • System Performance Metrics
    - Response Time: Average and percentile response times for requests.
    - 响应时间:请求的平均响应时间和百分位响应时间。
    - Error Rate: Percentage of requests resulting in errors.
    - Resource Utilization: Metrics related to CPU, memory, disk, and network usage.
    -资源利用率:与 CPU、内存、磁盘和网络使用相关的指标。
  • Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) Metrics
    服务级别目标 (SLO) 指标
    - SLO Compliance: Percentage of time SLOs are met.
    - SLO 合规性:满足 SLO 的时间百分比。
    - SLO Violation Duration: Duration and frequency of SLO violations.
    - SLO 违规持续时间:SLO 违规的持续时间和频率。
  • User Experience Metrics:
    - Page Load Time: Time taken for web pages or applications to load.
    - Transaction Success Rate: Percentage of successful transactions or operations.
  • Data Pipeline Metrics 数据管道指标
    - Data Flow Rate: Rate of data ingested or processed by pipelines.
    - 数据流量:管道摄取或处理数据的速率。
    - Pipeline Latency: Time taken for data to move through pipelines.
  • Infrastructure Metrics 基础设施指标
    - Server Availability: Percentage of time servers are available.
    - 服务器可用性:服务器可用的时间百分比。
    - Network Latency: Round-trip time for network requests.
  • Security Metrics 安全指标
    - Security Events: Number of security-related events or incidents.
    - 安全事件:与安全相关的事件或事件的数量。
    - Security Policy Violations: Instances of violations against security policies.

User Activity Tracking 用户活动跟踪

User activity tracking in enterprise applications involves monitoring and logging user interactions, actions, and behaviors within the application. This process is essential for various purposes, including security auditing, compliance, user behavior analysis, and system optimization.

Considerations for Implementing User Activity Tracking

  • Scalability: Design tracking mechanisms that can handle large volumes of data without impacting application performance.
  • Integration: Integrate tracking functionalities seamlessly into existing application workflows and infrastructure.
  • Data Retention and Purging: Define policies for data retention and purging to manage storage and compliance requirements effectively.
  • Authentication and Access Control: Ensure that only authorized personnel have access to view and manage user activity logs.

Key Foused Areas 重点关注领域

  • Logging Events and Actions
    - Authentication and Authorization: Log user login/logout events, access attempts, and permission changes.
    - Data Access: Track data read, write, and modification operations performed by users.
    - Application Usage: Monitor feature usage, navigation patterns, and workflow interactions.
  • Data Collection and Storage
    - Data Granularity: Capture detailed information about each user action, including timestamps, IP addresses, and session identifiers.
    - 数据粒度:捕获有关每个用户操作的详细信息,包括时间戳、IP 地址和会话标识符。
    - Sensitive Data Handling: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations by anonymizing or encrypting sensitive user information in logs.
  • Monitoring and Analysis 监测与分析
    - Real-time Monitoring: Implement mechanisms to monitor user activity in real-time to detect suspicious behavior or security incidents promptly.
    - 实时监控:实施实时监控用户活动的机制,以及时发现可疑行为或安全事件。
    - Analytics and Reporting: Use collected data for trend analysis, performance optimization, and user behavior insights.
  • Compliance and Auditing 合规与审计
    - Regulatory Compliance: Ensure tracking mechanisms align with industry standards and legal requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).
    - 监管合规性:确保跟踪机制符合行业标准和法律要求(例如,GDPR、HIPAA)。
    - Audit Trails: Maintain audit trails of user activities to facilitate compliance audits and investigations.
  • Security and Incident Response
    - Anomaly Detection: Use user activity logs to detect unusual or unauthorized activities that may indicate security breaches.
    - 异常检测:使用用户活动日志来检测可能表明存在安全漏洞的异常或未经授权的活动。
    - Incident Response: Leverage tracked data to investigate incidents, identify root causes, and mitigate risks promptly.
  • User Privacy and Transparency
    - Privacy Policies: Clearly communicate to users the types of data being tracked, how it is used, and their rights regarding data privacy.
    - 隐私政策:向用户清楚地传达所跟踪的数据类型、数据的使用方式以及他们在数据隐私方面的权利。
    - Opt-in/Opt-out: Provide mechanisms for users to opt-in or opt-out of certain tracking activities where applicable.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Login and Authentication Metrics
    - Login Success Rate: Percentage of successful user login attempts.
    - 登录成功率:用户登录尝试成功的百分比。
    - Login Failure Rate: Percentage of unsuccessful user login attempts.
    - Unique Users: Number of unique users accessing the application over a period.
  • Session Management Metrics
    - Session Duration: Average duration of user sessions.
    - 会话持续时间:用户会话的平均持续时间。
    - Active Sessions: Number of active user sessions at any given time.
    - Session Timeout Rate: Percentage of sessions that expire due to inactivity.
  • Feature Usage Metrics 功能使用指标
    - Most Used Features: Identification of the most frequently accessed application features.
    - 最常用的功能:识别最常访问的应用程序功能。
    - Feature Adoption Rate: Rate at which new features are adopted by users.
    - Feature Abandonment Rate: Percentage of users who start using a feature but do not complete the intended actions.
  • Navigation and Interaction Metrics
    - Page Views: Number of times each page or screen within the application is viewed.
    - 页面浏览次数:应用程序中每个页面或屏幕的浏览次数。
    - Click-through Rate (CTR): Percentage of users who click on specific elements (e.g., buttons, links).
    -点击率 (CTR) :点击特定元素(例如按钮、链接)的用户百分比。
    - Path Analysis: Analysis of user navigation paths through the application.
  • Performance Metrics 绩效指标
    - Response Time: Average time taken for the application to respond to user actions.
    - 响应时间:应用程序响应用户操作所需的平均时间。
    - Latency: Time delay between user action and application response.
    - Error Rates: Frequency of errors encountered during user interactions.
  • Conversion Metrics 转化指标
    - Conversion Rate: Percentage of users who complete desired actions (e.g., sign up, purchase).
    - 转化率:完成所需操作(例如注册、购买)的用户百分比。
    - Abandonment Rate: Percentage of users who start but do not complete conversion actions.
  • Security and Compliance Metrics
    - Access Control Violations: Instances where users attempt unauthorized access.
    - 访问控制违规:用户尝试未经授权的访问的情况。
    - Compliance Audit Logs: Logs tracking activities related to regulatory compliance requirements (e.g., data access audits).
  • User Engagement Metrics 用户参与度指标
    - Active Users: Number of users actively interacting with the application over a period.
    - 活跃用户:一段时间内与应用程序积极交互的用户数量。
    - Retention Rate: Percentage of users who return to the application after their initial visit.
    - Churn Rate: Percentage of users who stop using the application over a specific timeframe.
  • Feedback and Sentiment Metrics
    - User Feedback: Collection and analysis of user feedback and sentiment through surveys, reviews, or feedback forms.
    - 用户反馈:通过调查、评论或反馈表收集和分析用户反馈和情绪。
    - Net Promoter Score (NPS): Metric indicating user satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the application to others.
    -净推荐值 (NPS) :表示用户满意度以及向其他人推荐该应用程序的可能性的指标。

Auditing 审计

Auditing involves ensuring that the application maintains comprehensive audit trails and supports auditing capabilities to meet regulatory compliance, security monitoring, and operational transparency.

  • Audit Trail Generation: Ensuring the application generates detailed logs of all relevant actions and events. This includes user interactions, system activities, data access, configuration changes, and security-related events.
  • Data Integrity: Verifying that audit logs are tamper-evident and secure, ensuring the integrity of recorded actions and preventing unauthorized modifications.
  • Compliance Requirements: Addressing specific regulatory and industry compliance standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, SOX) that mandate auditing practices and data protection measures.
  • Access Control Auditing: Monitoring and logging access attempts, authentication events, and authorization changes to detect and respond to unauthorized access or misuse.
  • Configuration Auditing: Tracking changes to application configurations, system settings, and security policies to maintain consistency, compliance, and security posture.
  • Incident Response and Forensics: Supporting incident investigation and forensic analysis by providing audit trails that enable reconstruction of events leading up to security incidents or operational failures.
  • Retention and Storage: Defining policies and procedures for audit log retention, ensuring logs are securely stored, accessible for auditing purposes, and retained for required durations as per regulatory and business requirements.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: Implementing real-time monitoring of audit logs to detect anomalies, suspicious activities, or deviations from expected patterns. Alerts should notify relevant stakeholders promptly for timely response and mitigation.
  • Reporting and Analysis: Enabling auditing teams to analyze audit data, generate reports, and conduct audits to ensure adherence to policies, identify areas of improvement, and demonstrate compliance during audits.

Key Metrics 关键指标

  • Audit Log Coverage: Percentage of critical actions and events that are logged within the application or system.
  • Audit Log Integrity: Measures ensuring that audit logs are tamper-evident and maintain data integrity.
  • Audit Log Retention Period: Duration for which audit logs are retained and accessible for auditing and compliance purposes.
  • Audit Log Access: Number of authorized accesses to audit logs over a specified period.
  • Audit Log Review Frequency: Frequency and regularity of audit log reviews conducted by auditors or security teams.
  • Compliance Violations: Number of instances where audit logs indicate non-compliance with regulatory or organizational policies.
  • Incident Response Time: Average time taken to respond to and investigate incidents based on audit log findings.

Usability 可用性

Usability focuses on ensuring that the application is intuitive, easy to use, and meets the needs of its users efficiently.

Considerations for Implementing Usability NFR:
实施可用性 NFR 的注意事项:

  • User-Centered Design: Prioritize user needs and preferences throughout the design and development process.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish mechanisms for gathering and incorporating user feedback into iterative design improvements.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Involve stakeholders from UX/UI design, development, and business teams to ensure usability goals align with business objectives.
    跨职能协作:让 UX/UI 设计、开发和业务团队的利益相关者参与进来,以确保可用性目标与业务目标保持一致。
  • Continuous Improvement: Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement to evolve the application’s usability based on changing user needs and technological advancements.

Key Focused Areas 重点关注领域

  • User Interface (UI) Design
    用户界面 (UI) 设计
    - Intuitiveness: The application should be easy to navigate and use, with logical and consistent layouts.
    - 直观性:应用程序应该易于导航和使用,具有逻辑且一致的布局。
    - Accessibility: Ensure the application is accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG guidelines).
    -可访问性:确保残疾用户可以访问应用程序,遵循可访问性标准(例如 WCAG 指南)。
  • User Experience (UX) 用户体验(UX)
    - Efficiency: Users should be able to accomplish tasks quickly and with minimal effort.
    - 效率:用户应该能够以最小的努力快速完成任务。
    - Satisfaction: Focus on user satisfaction through pleasant interactions and responsive design.
  • Navigation and Information Architecture
    - Clear Navigation: Provide clear menus, breadcrumbs, and navigation paths to help users find information easily.
    - 清晰的导航:提供清晰的菜单、面包屑和导航路径,帮助用户轻松查找信息。
    - Information Hierarchy: Organize content and features logically, prioritizing important information for quick access.
  • Consistency and Standards
    - UI/UX Guidelines: Adhere to established design patterns, standards, and style guides to maintain consistency across the application.
    - UI/UX 指南:遵守既定的设计模式、标准和风格指南,以保持整个应用程序的一致性。
    - Platform Consistency: Ensure consistency in design and behavior across different devices and platforms (e.g., desktop, mobile).
  • Feedback and Error Handling
    - Feedback Mechanisms: Provide immediate feedback for user actions (e.g., success messages, validation errors).
    - 反馈机制:为用户操作提供即时反馈