说”乐子“可能有点太轻佻了,但我当时的确在British Library的档案室里用手捂住了脸。作为史同女我目前的推是拿破仑战争时期的英国首相小威廉·皮特(William Pitt the Younger, 1759-1806)。去年年底我为了找他第二任秘书William Dacres Adams写的一篇简短的有关他的回忆录,到大英图书馆把这份文件所在的档案盒借来看。而在同一个档案盒里,我发现了一封陌生女人的来信——一个没有署名、没有寄件地址也没有留下日期的女人写给当朝首相的求爱信。
这封信所在的档案盒禁止拍照,我和staff软磨硬泡了一会他同意我拍一张照片私藏,但是他强调不可以商用因为有copyright所以没有办法分享出来。这封信所属的档案号是Add MS 89036/1/17。我把信的内容誊录并翻译如下:
I have for years looked up to your character and abilities with respect and admiration, but I had never seen you till a few months since at the play - I need now scarcely say the delight I felt at being so near the man of all others I so highly esteemed. I am believe me perfectly aware of the impropriety of my conduct in writing you this letter, however its the only hope I have of ever being better acquainted with you. I think it's just possible I could get introduced to you, but surely any fancy of this kind is better kept to ourselves.
I shall remain here till the 20th and then go to London. I am there my own mistress. If some happy woman does not engage the whole of your heart, its not improbable you may wish to see the strange creature who has written you this. Should you honour me with a line, I shall feel myself highly flattered. I dare not hope you will have a wish to meet a woman who can act thus.
这封信没有署名、没有日期、没有地址,如果小皮特想回信他需要寄给当地一个名叫Mrs Smith的人转交——这个笔调热烈的、向首相求爱的陌生女人是谁?我只能凭借一些非常泛泛的线索推断她或许是寡妇,或许是有一大笔遗产的单身未婚女士,或许是孤身一人在大都市伦敦的个体户(女店主或交际花,无奈当时的女性职业太少),因为她说自己是“my own mistress”——她没有丈夫或父亲,也没有雇主。她写这封信的时候她和小皮特显然都不在伦敦——后者不在伦敦的场合是罕见的,考虑到这封信在首相秘书William Dacres Adams的文件里,这封信可能于1792年之后写于肯特郡的Walmer(我知道这个推断有点突然但我懒得细说了)。更妙的是,她在“If some happy woman does not engage the whole of your heart”的“whole”下面划了一条强调线——你有女朋友也没事。
对于当时这些位高权重的人来说收到女性的求爱信是不罕见的,但那些信大多属于性贿赂,内容主要是“大人若肯出手相助帮忙办成xx妾愿以身相许”。而在一个终身未婚、私生活清白无瑕、鞠躬尽瘁英年早逝、“冰冷如大理石,高傲如路西法”的英版诸葛亮的private papers里安静地躺着一封来自陌生女人的炽热的求爱信,的确是非常有趣的。我最后分享一下由当时的社交名媛Countess of Bessborough转述的、第六代贝德福德公爵对我推魅力的描述:
He thought Mr. Pitt plain in his person, but towards the close of an interesting speech that he look’d beautiful; and that he had so little Idea of the possibility of any woman hearing or seeing him at such a time without being in love with him, that if women were admitted to the H. of Commons, and the D. of Bedford was very much in love with any one, he would make it an absolute point with her always to go out when- ever Mr. Pitt got up to speak.