
2024-07-21 15:59
  • “我们短暂交错,尾声潮落,致敬这场遇见”
  • “We briefly staggered, and the tide ebbed at the end, paying tribute to this meeting.”

  • “路要朝前走,人往未来看。”
  • “The road must go forward, and people look to the future.”

  • “人生海海,又何必在意一时浮沉.”
  • “Life is a sea, why care about temporary ups and downs?”

  • “有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人千万种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有
  • “Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”

  • “空空落落又满满当当昏昏沉沉又明明白白”
  • “Empty and full, groggy and clear.”

  • 烟花很美,但是一时的,就像你我的相遇时很美,也只是一时的美.不必奢求什么,一时的相遇可能也惊艳了我们。
  • Fireworks are beautiful, but they are temporary, just like when you and I met, and they are only temporary. There is no need to expect anything, and the temporary meeting may also surprise us.

  • 踏遍万里山河,寻着满天繁星天空星月隐耀,你说黑夜暗淡我愿披星戴月,奔赴星辰大海为你摘星揽月,从此人间璀璨所念皆是星河,恰见明月栖山
  • I traveled all over the mountains and rivers of Wan Li, looking for the starry sky, and the stars and the moon were hidden. You said that the night was dim, and I would like to wear a star in Dai Yue and go to the sea of stars to pick up the stars for you. From then on, all I thought about in the world was the Milky Way, just to see the bright moon inhabiting the mountains.

  • 少年心动是仲夏夜的荒原割不完烧不尽长风一吹,野草就连了天
  • A teenager's heart is a wasteland that can't be cut and burned on a midsummer night. When the long wind blows, weeds even reach the sky.

  • 强扭的瓜不甜,强求的爱不圆满
  • The twisted melon is not sweet, and the importuned love is not complete.

  • 每个人说另外一个人,道理总是一箩筐一箩筐,丈八的灯,照见别人,照不见自己。
  • Everyone says another person, the truth is always a laundry list, a laundry list of lights, look at others, but not yourself.

  • 我多学一点,我妈就少累点。
  • If I study more, my mother will be less tired.

  • 大雾四起,我在无人处爱你,大雾散去,我爱你人尽皆知
  • The fog is everywhere, and I love you everywhere. When the fog clears, everyone knows that I love you.

  • 明天见真的太幸福了,和想见的人吃想吃的火锅,看想看的电影,拍想拍的照片,聊着无厘头的废话,互相调侃。这样的陪伴让我感受到我们彼此的需要见面前的精心打扮与迫不及待的心情,让人很享受我们明天见可以吗?
  • I'm so happy to see you tomorrow. I want to eat hot pot with people I want to see, watch movies I want to see, take photos I want to take, talk nonsense and tease each other. This kind of company makes me feel that we need each other, and the well-dressed and impatient mood before meeting makes people enjoy it. Can we see you tomorrow?


  • 1、你的负担将变成礼物,你受的苦将照亮你的路。
  • Your burden will become a gift, and your suffering will light your way.

  • 2、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。
  • Never frown even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

  • 3、你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得很久了。
  • You smiled slightly and didn't say anything to me. And I feel that I have been waiting for this for a long time.

  • 4、只有经历过地狱般的磨砺,才能练就创造天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝响。
  • Only through hellish tempering can we practice the power to create heaven. Only a bloody finger can pop up the world's unique sound.

  • 5、我们把世界看错,反说它欺骗了我们。
  • We read the world wrong and say it deceives us.

  • 6、当你错过太阳而哭泣的时候,你也要再错过群星了。
  • When you miss the sun and cry, you will miss the stars again.

  • 7、生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。
  • Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

  • 8、眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情!
  • The eyes are raining for her, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her. This is love!

  • 9、世界以痛吻我,要我报之以歌。
  • The world kissed me with pain and asked me to sing back.


  • 别像个怨妇一样到处挑刺,不清楚的事情不要评论,与你无关的事情不要抨击,三观正一点,爱你的人才多一点。
  • Don't criticize everywhere like a dissatisfied housewife, don't comment on unclear things, don't attack things that have nothing to do with you, look at them correctly, and there are more people who love you.

  • 焦虑就是浪费时间,它不会改变任何事,只能搅乱你的脑袋,偷走你的快乐。
  • Anxiety is a waste of time, it won't change anything, it can only disturb your head and steal your happiness.

  • “人间有多少芳华,就有多少遗憾,一个人在经历了许多事情就会发现,青春真的是一个人拥有过的最美好的东西。”
  • "There are as many regrets as there are young people in the world. After experiencing many things, one will find that youth is really the best thing one has ever had."

  • 陪你烹雪煮茶,白首天涯。陪你万家灯火,月落归家。
  • I cook snow and tea with you, and my head is white. Accompany you with lights and go home at sunset.

  • 请你暂时停下脚步,为自己缜密的计划留一些余地,偶尔期待一下偶然。暂时将自己托付给时间,等待上苍新的安排,也许会比埋头奔跑取得更大的成就。
  • Please stop for a while, leave some room for your careful planning, and look forward to the accident occasionally. Entrust yourself to time for the time being and wait for the new arrangement from God, perhaps you will achieve greater success than running with your head buried.

  • 生活,一半烟火,一半清欢。人生,一半糊涂,一半明白。
  • Life is half fireworks and half happiness. Life is half confused and half understood.

  • 坚持向着光行走的人,将成为最耀眼的存在。
  • Those who persist in walking towards the light will become the most dazzling existence.

  • 一个女子没有经济能力,才会万劫不复,记住,勤奋工作,努力节蓄。——亦舒
  • If a woman has no financial ability, she will be doomed. Remember, work hard and save hard.

  • 所有的愤怒,基本上都源自于没钱;所有的励志,基本上目标都是挣钱;所有的幸福,基本上状态都是有钱。
  • All the anger basically comes from having no money; All inspirational, basically the goal is to make money; All happiness, basically, is rich.

  • 生活离不开柴米油盐酱醋茶,可同样离不开志同道合的三观,势均力敌的见识,丰富有趣的灵魂,聪明的人,会在追求爱情的同时,脱胎换骨,变成更好的自己。
  • Life can't be separated from daily necessities, vinegar and tea, but it can't be separated from the three views of like-mindedness, equal knowledge, rich and interesting souls, and smart people will be reborn and become better themselves while pursuing love.

  • 非常认可也非常喜欢的一句话:你光有自尊没用,你得有足够的实力,你的原则和底线才不容易被忽略和推翻。
  • A sentence that I very much agree with and like: It is useless for you to have self-esteem. You must have enough strength so that your principles and bottom line will not be easily ignored and overturned.

  • 初入凡尘不知人间苦,蓦然回首已是苦中人。
  • When I first entered the world, I didn't know the hardships of the world. When I suddenly looked back, I was already suffering.

  • 长期医嘱:保持释然,永远温柔。临时医嘱:活在当下,随遇而安。
  • Long-term doctor's advice: stay relieved and always be gentle. Temporary doctor's advice: live in the present and be happy with it.

  • “当你失去所有依靠时,你自然什么都会了,等你有一天站在我的角度上爱你时,你就知道我真的仁至义尽了”。
  • When you lose all your dependence, you will naturally know everything. When you love you from my point of view one day, you will know that I am really forbearing.

  • 生活里的开心,一半来自于美食,另一半来自于陪你吃饭的人。
  • Half of the happiness in life comes from food, and the other half comes from people who accompany you to dinner.

  • 没有任何事,任何人,需要你过了11点还苦想不睡,任何东西都不能以健康做交换,记住,你只能活一辈子。
  • Nothing, anyone, needs you to stay up after 11 o'clock, and nothing can be exchanged for health. Remember, you can only live for a lifetime.

  • 生活如果不宠你,更要自己善待自己。这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。
  • If life doesn't spoil you, be kind to yourself. This life, through thick and thin, is to meet the best self.

  • 人生最大的悲伤和不幸就是:还没弄清楚自己是谁,到底想要什么,就没了青春,没了中年,没了一辈子。
  • The greatest sadness and misfortune in life is: before you know who you are and what you want, you will lose your youth, middle age and life.

  • 岁月渐深,人心老,许多年以前不曾相信的东西,现在都信了,比如命运,比如缘分,比如因果。
  • As time goes by, people are getting old. What they didn't believe many years ago is now believed, such as fate, such as fate, such as cause and effect.

  • 人生就是这样,你如果弱小,即使你喊得再大声也没有人听得见。
  • Life is like this. If you are weak, no one can hear you even if you shout loudly.

  • 没人能把你变的越来越好,时间和经历只是陪衬,支撑你变的越来越好的是你坚强的意志、修养、品行以及不断地反思。
  • No one can make you better and better. Time and experience are only a foil. What supports you to become better and better is your strong will, cultivation, conduct and constant reflection.

  • 希望我的方向是通往自己想去的地方,而不是所谓的对的地方,希望我的力量来自内心,而不是别人的赞扬。
  • I hope my direction is where I want to go, not the so-called right place. I hope my strength comes from my heart, not the praise of others.

  • 时光,在天地间交替;岁月,在尘世中轮回。芳华,在岁月中消殒。待到芳华留不住,岁月已白头之时。繁华褪尽,芬芳不再,人生几何,最是当下;唯惜今夕,不悔几夕。
  • Time, alternating between heaven and earth; Years, reincarnation in the world. Fanghua, dying in the years. When the youth can't stay, the years are old. Prosperity fades away, fragrance disappears, and the geometry of life is the most present; Only cherish this evening, don't regret a few nights.

  • 无论身处何方,陷于何地,都要向下扎根,向上开花,谋生的路上不抛弃良知,谋爱的路上不放弃尊严,不负生活,不负自己。
  • No matter where you are or where you are trapped, you should take root downwards and blossom upwards. You should not abandon your conscience on the way to making a living, your dignity on the way to seeking love, your life and yourself.

  • 记住,不要侮辱和践踏任何人的尊严,自负的优越感或许只是你自我感觉良好罢了,你要清醒地知道比你优秀的人满大街都是。
  • Remember, don't insult and trample on anyone's dignity. The conceited sense of superiority may just be that you feel good about yourself. You should clearly know that people who are better than you are all over the street.

  • 面对,不一定最难过。孤单,不一定不快乐。获得,不一定能长久。失去,不一定不再拥有。不必因为寂寞而错爱,不必因为错爱而寂寞一辈子。
  • Facing it is not necessarily the most sad. Lonely, not necessarily unhappy. Obtaining may not last long. Lose, not necessarily no longer have. You don't have to love wrongly because of loneliness, and you don't have to be lonely all your life because of wrong love.

  • 懂你的人不言而喻,不懂你的人百口莫辩。
  • People who know you are self-evident, and people who don't know you are arguing.

  • 没有谁的生活会一直完美,但无论什么时候,都要看着前方,满怀希望就会所向披靡。
  • No one's life will always be perfect, but at any time, we must look ahead and be invincible with hope.

  • 若是可以,就去做个无情的人,也许此生会过得很简单。
  • If you can, be a heartless person. Maybe this life will be very simple.

  • 初见是惊鸿一瞥,南柯一梦是你;等待是山重水复,怦然心动是你;相遇是柳暗花明,如梦初醒是你;重逢是始料未及,别来无恙是你。
  • The first time I saw it was a glimpse, and Nanke dreamed that it was you; Waiting is the mountains and heavy waters, and your heart is beating; Meeting is a bright future, waking up like a dream is you; The reunion was unexpected. Hope that you are well.

  • 愿你在朝霞里如烟不幕,愿我在沧海中一切如故。
  • May you be like smoke in the morning glow, and may everything be the same in the sea.

  • 哭代表了卸下伪装,别自己为难自己,有些时候哭了,反而是一件快乐的事。
  • Crying means taking off your disguise. Don't embarrass yourself. Sometimes crying is a happy thing.

  • 我不是话少,也不是冷漠,只是我没必要对每个人都有说有笑。
  • I'm not talkative or indifferent, but I don't have to talk and laugh at everyone.

  • 人生:一半是对美好的追求,一半是对残缺的接纳。
  • Life: half is the pursuit of beauty, half is the acceptance of disability.

  • 所谓成长,不是要圆滑到伪善,而是在秉承一团真气学会随缘。
  • The so-called growth is not to be smooth and hypocritical, but to learn to follow the fate by adhering to a group of true qi.

  • 愿我们终将成为我们想成为的人,哪怕荆棘再多,太阳再烈,风雨再大,只要能嗅到彼岸的花香,什么都是值得的。
  • I hope that we will eventually become the people we want to be, even if there are more thorns, the sun is stronger and the wind and rain are stronger, as long as we can smell the flowers on the other side, everything is worth it.

  • 人生,用心,才是生活;不用,只是活着。
  • Life, heart, is life; No, just alive.

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  • Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present.
  • 昨天是历史,明天是未知,只有今天才是天赐的礼物。 ——《功夫熊猫》

  • If I should meet theeAfter long years,How should I greet thee? With silence and tears. 多年以后,我将何以致候,唯沉默与眼泪 ——拜伦

  • Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.
  • 爱是唯一可以超越时间与空间的事物。 ——《星际穿越》

  • Manners maketh man.
  • 礼仪造人。 ——《王牌特工1》

  • We become the most familiar strangers.
  • 我们变成了世上最熟悉的陌生人。——Gone with the wind 《乱世佳人》

  • Night gathers, and now my watch begins. ...... I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night, and all the nights to come.
  • 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休 ...... 我将生命与荣耀献给守夜,今夜如此,夜夜皆然 ——A Song of Ice and Fire 《冰与火之歌》

  • To be, or not to be - that is the question
  • 活着还是死去,这是一个问题。 ——《哈姆雷特》

  • Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈, 世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。 ——Flipped《怦然心动》

  • I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accident alike on a breeze.
  • 我不懂,是我们有着各自不同的命运, 还是,我们只不过都是在风中,茫然飘荡。 ——Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》

  • All the bright, precious things fade so fast.And they don't come back.
  • 所有的光鲜靓丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返。 ——The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》

  • When you're young, happiness is something to be had; as you age, happiness becomes a goal that you chase; now you’ve grown, happiness is a state of mind that you try to understand.
  • 小时候的快乐是样东西,拥有就幸福; 成长时的快乐是个目标,达到就幸福; 长大后的快乐是个心态,明白就幸福。 ——Boyhood 《少年时代》

  • Not everybody could sail the ocean, but still we could share this dream. 
  • 不是每个人都能成为销魂的船长,但都可以让梦想远航。 ——The Legend of 1900《海上钢琴师》

  • Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.  所谓命运不过是托辞,因为我们无法忍受所有事情的发生都是偶然的这样的事实。 ——Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图不眠夜》

  • These walls are really interesting. At first you hate it, then you getused to it.After a considerable period of time, you will depend on it.
  • 这些高墙还真是有点意思。 一开始你恨它,然后你对它就习惯了。 等相当的时间过去后,你还会依赖它。 ——《肖申克的救赎》

  • Not everyone will accomplishsomething great. Some of us may just have to find meaning in the little moments that make up life.
  • 不是所有人都能功成名就。 我们中有些人注定要在日常生活的点滴中寻找生命的意义。 ——《生活大爆炸》

  • I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.
  • 我今天有一个梦想。我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降; 坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光披露,满照人间。 ——马丁·路德·金《我有一个梦想》

  • Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.
  • 生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。 天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。 ——Zootopia《疯狂动物城》

  • I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet,where I'm going to wind up.
  • 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。 ——《泰坦尼克号》

  • Is life always this hard,or is it just when you are a kid? Always like this.
  • 人生总是那么痛苦吗?还是只有小时候是这样?总是如此。 ——《这个杀手不太冷》

  • Dream most deep place,only then the smile is nottired.
  • 梦的最深处,只有微笑不累。 ——Life Is Beautiful 《美丽人生》

  • Whoever saves one life, sasves the world entire.
  • 拯救了一条人命的人,就相当于拯救了全人类。 ——《辛德勒的名单》

  • So do you want to take a leap of faith,or become an old man,filled with regret waiting to die alone?
  • 那么你是想放手一搏,还是等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路? ——《盗梦空间》

  • The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.
  • 世界上有太多孤独的人害怕先踏出第一步。 ——Green Book《绿皮书》

  • It's your dog, but you are it's all.
  • 它只是你的一条狗,但你却是它的一生。 ——Hachi: A Dog's Tale《 忠犬八公的故事》

  • Seeing is believing. But is it a truth?
  • 都说眼见为实,可那就是真理吗? ——《惊天魔盗团2》

  • Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. 勇气是一切美德攀登的梯子。 ——卢斯.C.B.

  • A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
  • 一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。 ——《老人与海》

  • The real death is that no one in the world remembers you. 真正的死亡是世界上再没有一个人记得你。 ——《寻梦环游记》

  • Maybe there are five thousand flowers like you in the world, but only you are my unique rose.
  • 也许世界上也有五千朵和你一样的花,但只有你是我独一无二的玫瑰。 ——《小王子》

  • Free as the wind was he.
  • 他像风般自由。 ——《三傻大闹宝莱坞》

  • Adventure is out here.
  • 冒险就在那里,生活就是冒险 ——《飞屋环游记》

  • The bigger the man,the deeper his imprint. And if he loves, he suffers, knowing it's a dead-end street
  • 越是煎熬 越刻骨铭心 爱了就要受苦 明知没有结果 ——《天堂电影院》

  • Great deeds come at great cost. 要有牺牲才能完成伟业。 ——A Beautiful Mind《美丽心灵》

  • Who am I for you?-Treasure.
  • 对于你来说,我是什么?-宝贝 ——《加勒比海盗》

  • I never forgot.Not for one moment. I knew I'd find you in the end.It's our destiny
  • 我从来没有忘记,无时无刻,我知道我一定会找到你的。这就是我们的命运。 ——《贫民窟的百万富翁》

  • Dumbledore:It is not our abilities that show what we truly are ,it is our choices.
  • 邓布利多决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 ——《哈利波特》